Dreams* Once, in a faraway place, Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. What fun he had, doing as he pleased. He did not know he was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and found himself to be Zhou. He did not know whether Zhou had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly had dreamed he was Zhou.
Dec 23, 2008
Dec 15, 2008
Dec 3, 2008
SAFE: Design Takes On Risk

This is really interesting and it is useful for my project.
There was a show at MOMA that displayed work that kind of dealt with my topic ... fears, safety, comfort, etc.
Dec 1, 2008
Nov 30, 2008
Nov 17, 2008
During the 1990s, a number of artists claimed the exhibition itself as a medium. Working independently and in various collaborative constellations, they eschewed the discrete aesthetic object in favor of the exhibition environment as a dynamic arena, ever expanding in its physical and temporal parameters. For these artists, an exhibition can be a film, a novel, a shared meal, a social space, a performance, or a journey. Using the museum as a platform for projects that reach beyond the visual arts, their work often commingles with disciplines such as architecture, design, and theater, engaging directly with the vicissitudes of everyday life to offer subtle moments of transformation.

Catherine Opie
Nov 14, 2008

rue is an extraordinary collaboration between three cutting-edge artists. Lighting designer Takayuki Fujimoto and performer Takao Kawaguchi--both from the internationally acclaimed multimedia performance company dumb type--have teamed up with the renowned choreographer/dancer/video artist Tsuyoshi Shirai, winner at the 2006 Toyota Choreography Award. Created in the summer of 2007 at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (Japan’s Mecca for experimental fusion of the state-of-the-art and the arts), true blends nature and science to investigate how people construct their realities and push the boundaries of what is actually "true."
true features sound, video and visual design by Takuya Minami; sound, oscillation and programming by Daito Manabe; video programming by Satoshi Horii and costume design by Noriko Kitamura. http://www.japansociety.org
Ultimate personalization which far away from advanced-technologies & loose society.
Showing extream two-side character of Japan Society.
Nov 10, 2008
Invitation to Interact: The Public Space Project

Design Questions
- Who is the Audience? Who are the Users?
- What are the Criteria?
- What is the Context
- What Research is available? What Research have you done?
- Prototype
- Test

1. What are effective methods for observing and documenting activity and interaction between people and groups without influencing them or altering them?
2. What does it mean to “maximize” or “minimize” a system of social interaction within a space?
3. What design and narrative strategies exist to help in the design of non-textual interfaces? What are guiding principles of basic interaction design?
We are targeting people who use Madison Square as either a transect or a place to relax and enjoy leisure time. The users of our interactive project will need to be prompted as there are more that pass through than loiter. The prompt will have to be such that it grabs the attention of the passerby. It will either need to be of bright and attractive materials or it will need to intersect with the direct line of sight of the passerby.
sound, touch, attractive shape

Airing out Laundry
Mirrors on the Ground
VooDoo Doll
Bulletin Board
Madison Square Park is idyllic and is bustling with arts and recreation opportunities such as outdoor exhibitions, book reads in the park live music, etc. The southern end of the park has a sandy open space that is opf high visibility and will be a ideal place to place our project. Of note are the current art exhibitions by Tadeshi Kawamata and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. In context there is quite a bit going on at the park. We believe this will improve the chances of interactivity with our project.
"Historic Madison Square Park is the vibrant center of Manhattan's Flatiron District offering flourishing gardens, lush lawns and cultural programs for all ages. Located on 6.2 acres between 23rd and 26th streets and Fifth and Madison avenues, the park has become an oasis for those who live and work nearby.
Until very recently, historic Madison Square Park was neglected and crime-ridden. People walked around it instead of going inside. In June 2001, after a two-year capital restoration project, Madison Square Park was rededicated. In the spring of 2002, a restored playground reopened to the delight of many children in the neighborhood."
The Madison Square Park Conservancy website is an valuable resource. It contains information on activities and events in the park, as well as history of the park. This information is beneficial because lends additional context to the development of our interactive project. By learning about who visits and what happens in the park we can better plan a successful interactive project.

Public space - Making of from Uros Otasevic on Vimeo

Nov 8, 2008
Chanel Mobile Art Container Lands in Central Park

(Photos: UnBeige)
Plans for Zaha Hadid's London building for The Architecture Foundation have been scrapped, but another one of her projects is just days away from completion. The glossy, white fiber-reinforced plastic and steel pod took a little longer than planned to fabricate, but all systems are now go for Chanel's Mobile Art project, a traveling contemporary art gallery that kicks off its two-year world tour next Wednesday at Hong Kong's Star Ferry Car Park. The Hadid-designed pod arrives stateside this fall, when it will touch down in New York.
"For this pavilion, we explored the organic forms evident in spiraling sea-shells," Hadid told us in an e-mail. The 7,500-square-foot structure is "a parametric distortion of a torus, which in its pure geometric shape is the basic diagram of an exhibition space," she added. "The distortion creates a constant variety of interior exhibition spaces." Filling those spaces will be artworks inspired by the iconic quilted handbag created by Coco Chanel in 1955. Curated by Beaux ArtsFabrice Bousteau, the exhibition includes works by 20 artists, including Sophie Calle, Nobuyoshi Araki, Stephen Shore, Yoko Ono, and Lee Bul. editor-in-chief
As for how Hadid got involved with this project in the first place, she told us that it's all thanks to her chance meeting with Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld in the lobby of New York's Mercer Hotel. "As [Karl] said, this shows how important public spaces like hotel lobbies can be!"
Posted by Stephanie 03:08 PM architecture art exhibitions fashion

I was waiting over 6 hr without an umbrella in stormy day, not for the exhibition, but for the obstinacy from my twisted-mind.
However, the exhibition had little chilled and novel luxurious atmosphere, and I loved the way that new media are used in old stories.